All inclusive vacation at Secrets Playa Mujeres in Cancun for $879

Secrets Playa Mujeres Golf and Spa Resort

Secrets Playa Mujeres Golf and Spa Resort

This time travelers can choose from some great Caribbean vacation packages. Right on the top you will find a 3 nights all-inclusive getaway to Cancun for $879 per person in a luxury hotel. If you book now, you can save over $300 compared to average rate of the package on select dates between November 6 and November 22 2015.

Other offers include a 5 nights escape to Barbados with airfare from $739 per person, 4 nights stay plus air at the Royal west Indies Resort for $779 pp or a luxury trips for 6 nights in St Croix for $1,319 pp. Hurry, such discounted travel deals will sell out soon!

Top vacation package deals
DealVacation OfferCancun, Mexico4.5-Star Cancun Trip w/Oceanview Room & Air$879
DealVacation OfferBarbados5-Night Barbados Getaway w/Air$739
DealVacation OfferBermudaBermuda: 3-Nights at 4-Star Resort w/Air$899
DealVacation OfferCaribbean4-Night 4-Star Getaway to Turks & Caicos w/Air$779
DealVacation OfferCaribbean4-Star Grand Cayman Renovated Resort w/Air$979
DealVacation OfferCaribbeanBarcelo All-Inclusive Beach Getaways on Sale$1484
DealVacation OfferSaint Croix, Trinidad And TobagoSt. Croix: 6-Night All-Inclusive Retreat w/Air$1319

If you book this Cancun vacation, you will get 3 nights stay at the Secrets Playa Mujeres Golf and Spa Resort, a round-trip airfare from Fort Lauderdale to Cancun, all inclusive services at the luxury hotel plus taxes. Note that other departure cities are available, but the price will be different.

Secrets Playa Mujeres is an all suite resort with pools, bars, restaurants, fitness center, water sports and lots of other activities. All the suites have a private balcony, elegant furniture, LCD TV with premium channels, air conditioning, daily refilled mini bar, direct dial phone and more.

Check out some more vacation packages in Cancun in similar luxury hotels. Compare prices and maybe you will find a getaway for a better price!

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